Implemented Projects
1. “Extractive Industry Transparency Initiative-EITI International Conference in Tbilisi”-funded by Revenue Watch Institute(RWI) and Open Society Georgian Foundation(OSGF);
2. “Support to strengthening the efficiency of rural and agricultural policy development, through active policy dialogue on agriculture and rural development, between the civil society groups and central and local authorities”-funded by Eurasia foundation in Georgia;
3. “The Regional Capacity Building Training on EITI Standards/9th Eurasia Regional Transparency Network Meeting”, which took place in Batumi, Georgia/ see it here, funded by Natural Resource Governance Institute(NRGI);
4. “EaP Economic Integration Index of Georgia with Eastern Partnership Countries and European Union”-funded by EaP Civil Society Platform Secretariat;
5. “Innovations in sustainable management and protection of natural areas – 4GreenInn” in the framework of ENPI Cross Border Cooperation Joint Operational Programme “Black Sea Basin 2007—2013”;
6. "Implementation of Waste management policies in EaP countries according Association Agreements (Moldova, Georgia and Ukraine)" together with partners: NGO “National Environmental Center”, (Moldova) and NGO “Good Deeds” (Ukraine) in the framework of Re-granting program 2016 of EaP Civil Society Forum.
7. International Business and Economic Development Center (IBEDC) was invited by EUROCHAMBRES in “the BSO Exchange facility” of East Invest 2 Program, Visiting an EU BSO “Federation of Belgian Chambers of Commerce” for a traineeship on 2017 May 2-5.
8. N(N)LE International Business and Economic Development Center (IBEDC) has implemented the project “Smart Waste Management in EaP countries(Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova)” together with partners: NGO “Good Deeds”, Ukraine and NGO “National Environmental Center”, (Moldova) in the framework of Re-granting program 2017 of EaP Civil Society Forum.
9. N(N)LE International Business and Economic Development Center carried out implementation EU funded project on “Contributing to the formation of the agenda and institutional preconditions for enhancing digital competencies in Ukraine, Georgia and Belarus” with lead partner Polissya Foundation for International and Regional Studies from Ukraine and partner Scientific and Technological Association “INFOPARK” from Belarus- in the framework of EaP CSF Re-granting 2019 Program.

The overall aim of the project was creation necessary conditions for launching national digital skills and jobs coalitions and setting-up e-competence frameworks in Ukraine, Georgia, Belarus by developing the necessary methodological basis simultaneously with facilitating communication between key stakeholders in digital skills and competencies fields of target countries.
Adopting the system of standards under the European e-Competence Framework umbrella in the EaP partner-states will provide a common language among the European Union and Eastern Partnership countries to describe the competences (including skills) and knowledge requirements of ICT professionals, professions and organizations at five proficiency levels in order to meet the needs of individuals, businesses and other organizations in public and private sectors.
As a result In the framework of the project to the following indicators were achieved:
- Indicator for the outcome 1: Guide and Roadmap for Setting up e-Competence Framework in Ukraine, Georgia and Belarus have been elaborated and printed in Georgia;
- Indicators for the outcome 2: Developed MoU and Guideline(Toolkit) for establishing Digital Skills & Jobs Coalition in Georgia;
- Indicators for the outcome 3: At the end of the project was organized round table for stakeholders in Tbilisi. Discussion during the round table will be focused about the Project activities, achievements and future plans for development digital skills and competencies in Georgia.
During the focus group experts noted the need to adopt a certain framework of digital competencies, citing the fact that Georgia, is part of Europe and the implementation of documents and standards developed in the EU in the context of digital competencies is appropriate.
It should be noted beneficiaries of the project ICT companies expressed interest of adopt e-Competence Framework and required to elaborate training module for adoption adopt e-Competence Framework in own companies.
Project implementation period: 01.04.2019-31.12.2019; Ukraine, Georgia and Belarus
N(N)LE International Business and Economic Development Center" Tbilisi, Georgia;
Project Coordinator: David Tsiskaridze,
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; Mobile: +995595762276
Lead partner: Civic organization «Polissya Foundation for International and Regional Studies» (PFIRS), Ukraine, 14000, Chernihiv, Shevchenko st. 12/5
Project Manager: Maksym Koriavets,
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Mob: +380635794655
Partner: Scientific and Technological Association “INFOPARK” (Belarus), Komsomolskaya str. 16-201, 220030 Minsk, Belarus
Project Coordinator: Anna Pobol,
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. mob: +375172110369